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Course information and blog

Posted on:2017-09-07Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:San Diego State UniversityCandidate:Kalantri, Saurabh ShriniwasFull Text:PDF
GTID:2448390005471522Subject:Computer Science
This project concentrates on developing a web application for not only prospective students but also for the students who are already admitted to our school. This application will give the overview of the courses taken in computer science department for Spring, Summer and Fall.;In addition to that, student can also see the instructor who gave the course for particular semester. Student's have the ability to post their queries and they can also see the question's posted by other student.;In addition, a student can also see the professor's who are in the computer science department and courses given by that professor in the current year and also they can see the previous year courses by going to courses category.;Technology wise, this application uses HTML5, CSS3, LESS, AngularJs to make the user interface of the application. It also uses Grunt, which is a building tool and NodeJs, which is the server side language. Also MySQL is used to store the data related to the application. In addition to that, GIT is used to maintain the repository of the application. As the application is based on agile methodologies, I had a discussion with professor Eckberg about developing the application in components, in which GIT helped a lot.
Keywords/Search Tags:Application
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