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Open information extraction for the Web

Posted on:2010-04-07Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:University of WashingtonCandidate:Banko, MicheleFull Text:PDF
GTID:2448390002979891Subject:Computer Science
The World Wide Web contains a significant amount of information expressed using natural language. While unstructured text is often difficult for machines to understand, the field of Information Extraction (IE) offers a way to map textual content into a structured knowledge base. The ability to amass vast quantities of information from Web pages has the potential to increase the power with which a modern search engine can answer complex queries.;IE has traditionally focused on acquiring knowledge about particular relationships within a small collection of domain-specific text. Typically, a target relation is provided to the system as input along with extraction patterns or examples that have been specified by hand. Shifting to a new relation requires a person to create new patterns or examples. This manual labor scales linearly with the number of relations of interest.;The task of extracting information from the Web presents several challenges for existing IE systems. The Web is large and heterogeneous; the number of potentially interesting relations is massive and their identity often unknown. To enable large-scale knowledge acquisition from the Web, this thesis presents Open Information Extraction, a novel extraction paradigm that automatically discovers thousands of relations from unstructured text and readily scales to the size and diversity of the Web.
Keywords/Search Tags:Web, Information, Text
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