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Video super resolution

Posted on:2010-05-31Degree:M.A.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Windsor (Canada)Candidate:Chukwu, MichaelFull Text:PDF
Advances in digital signal processing technology have created a wide variety of video rendering devices from mobile phones and portable digital assistants to desktop computers and high definition television. This has resulted in wide diversity of video content with spatial and temporal properties fitting into their intended rendering devices. However the sheer ubiquity of video content creation and distribution mechanisms has effectively blurred the classification line resulting in the need for interchangeable rendering of video content across devices of varying spatio-temporal properties. This results in a need for efficient and effective conversion techniques; mostly to increase the resolution (referred to as super resolution) in-order to enhance quality of perception, user satisfaction and overall the utility of the video content.
Keywords/Search Tags:Super resolution, Video content, Rendering devices
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