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U.S. missile shield in Europe: Framing in 'The New York Times' and 'Izvestiya'

Posted on:2010-12-02Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:San Jose State UniversityCandidate:Turaev, AbdufarrokhFull Text:PDF
This thesis research examined if there were frame differences in the reporting of the U.S. missile shield installation in Eastern Europe by The New York Times and the Russian newspaper Izvestiya. The research used content analysis and the theory of news framing in December 2008. Sample articles from each newspaper were examined for changes in usage of frames, sources, and types of news stories during two time periods.;This study showed significant differences in the use of frames between The New York Times and Izvestiya. In particular, the analysis showed that both newspapers employed different frames during the two time periods. Overall, the frame difference was also significant between the two newspapers. Additionally, the tones of the news stories showed that The New York Times' articles were less critical of the Russian government and its policies compared to Izvestiya, which was more critical of the U.S. government.
Keywords/Search Tags:New york, Izvestiya
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