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Communication students' perceptions of hybrid courses in higher education

Posted on:2011-11-28Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Nebraska at OmahaCandidate:Campbell, Stephen PhillipFull Text:PDF
GTID:2447390002957762Subject:Speech communication
Although distance and online education have been extensively researched across many fields of study, researchers have only recently begun to examine hybrid courses. Utilizing a quantitative, survey based approach, this study examined 20 student's experiences with hybrid courses in the field of Communication. Questionnaire items focused on: satisfaction, enjoyment, ease of communication, workload, pace, course quality, and technology. Results indicated that, on average, students felt very satisfied with the hybrid course they were participating in. Student satisfaction was found to be correlated to a variety of aspects including: perceived levels of learning, pace of the course, workload, how helpful the technology was, how well they could use the technology, and the ease of communication with the instructor and other students. Additionally, results also indicated that students enjoyed, and often preferred the hybrid format over both traditional and fully online courses. These results are compared to the existing literature, and lines of future research are proposed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Courses, Communication, Students
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