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Field dependence and student achievement in technology-based learning: A meta-analysis

Posted on:2010-11-01Degree:M.EdType:Thesis
University:University of Alberta (Canada)Candidate:Dragon, KaronFull Text:PDF
This investigation was a synthesis of 35 research studies with a total sample size of 3,082 students selected on the basis of Witkin's theory of Field Dependence-Independence. The Hunter-Schmidt approach to meta-analysis was used to determine if a difference in achievement exists between field dependent and field independent students within technology-based learning environments, and whether study, treatment or methodology variables influenced the effect size outcome. The results indicated an achievement difference in favor of field independent learners with a total mean weighted effect size of 0.426 and a pooled standard deviation of 0.311. However, a large proportion of population variance was not accounted for through statistical corrections. A subsequent moderator analysis indicated that the total heterogeneity for each moderator was significant; suggesting the variance among effect sizes was greater than could be expected by sampling error, and unidentified variables and study artifacts likely contributed to the overall effect size.
Keywords/Search Tags:Size, Field, Achievement
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