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Democracy in a cooperative labour relations paradigm? The CAW, Magna, and the framework of fairness

Posted on:2009-09-18Degree:LL.MType:Thesis
University:Dalhousie University (Canada)Candidate:Heffernan, PorterFull Text:PDF
Magna International and the Canadian Autoworkers Union in 2007 entered a new Framework Agreement to structure labour relations at Magna. This Framework raises theoretical and legal issues which place it at the cutting edge of recent developments in labour relations, including labour-management cooperation and democracy at work. This thesis explores these issues, to evaluate the Agreement on its merits and assess its potential impact on Canadian labour relations. The thesis concludes that the Agreement represents an innovative model of cooperative labour relations, with a significant chance of success. However, the Agreement also restricts the Union's internal democracy, and risks illegality in other areas, including its revocation of the right to strike. These problems have the potential to destabilize the Agreement despite the strength of its cooperative structures. The Agreement offers a valuable new model for the representation of employees, but one which will require further refinement before its widespread adoption.
Keywords/Search Tags:Labour relations, Framework, Agreement, Democracy, Cooperative
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