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The role of prison chaplains in restorative justice

Posted on:2008-12-03Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Carleton University (Canada)Candidate:Rushkyte, JurgitaFull Text:PDF
Modern practices of restorative justice have garnered considerable academic attention since the 1970s. While various facets of the different practices that fall under the "restorative justice" umbrella have come under the lens of academia and corrections research, there remains a dearth of study of the interrelation between restorative justice and prison chaplaincy.; This thesis explores the links between restorative justice and prison chaplaincy. The two-pronged approach begins on a conceptual level, that is, by examining the similarities of the goals and practices of restorative justice and prison chaplaincy, thereby highlighting their natural complementarity. Secondly, the role of prison chaplains as active, intentional participants in some restorative justice settings is examined with a view to further shedding light on the complementary natures of both approaches. It is argued that there is a natural complement between prison chaplaincy and the main elements, principles and practices of modern restorative justice as these are developed in the existing literature of the field.
Keywords/Search Tags:Restorative justice, Prison, Practices
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