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Locke's ideational account of causation

Posted on:2010-08-31Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:The University of North Carolina at Chapel HillCandidate:Connolly, Patrick JFull Text:PDF
Commentators have long alleged that Locke has no consistent or coherent account of causation. My purpose in this paper is to challenge this claim and present a new interpretation of Locke on causation. The key feature of my interpretation is that it situates Locke's account of causation squarely within his theory of ideas. First, I will discuss the work of previous commentators and explain why they found Locke's account to be a failure. Then, primarily through a close examination of Book II Chapter 26 of the Essay, I will offer an alternative account of Locke's view of causation. I will spend considerable time demonstrating and defending the ideational nature of this account. Finally, I will consider the implications my reading has for Lockean perception and an objection which pertains to the nature of real ideas.
Keywords/Search Tags:Account, Causation, Locke's
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