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Agent-based land ethic: A sentimentalist approach to environmental ethics

Posted on:2009-11-04Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Oklahoma State UniversityCandidate:Gauen, MarkFull Text:PDF
Scope and Method of Study. This thesis explores Michael Slote's agent-based ethics of empathic care and seeks to find plausible ways for which Slote's theory can take into account our moral intuitions regarding our duties to the non-human world. This thesis pays particular attention to the notion of empathy and explores whether it is useful to current discussions in environmental ethics.;Findings and Conclusions. Slote's agent-based empathic care is in a unique position to explain many of our moral intuitions about our duties to the non-human world. The notion of empathy seems very useful in discussing our obligations toward the natural world. Also, Slote's agent-based virtue ethic does seem useful as a theoretical moral framework to analyze environmental issues.
Keywords/Search Tags:Agent-based, Environmental
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