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A Computer-Aided Investigation of Cultural Representations in Media Discourse

Posted on:2009-06-09Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:McGill University (Canada)Candidate:Bouhid, SouadFull Text:PDF
The aim of this study was to explore cultural representations conveyed in the media discourse using a content-analysis software called ALCESTE. Our exploration focused on a sample of written media discourse in the Quebecois linguistic context, the Michaud affair, comparing and contrasting two different perspectives. We retrieved from the Internet all the articles published between December 2000 and January 2001 related to the case under study from two English Canadian newspapers, the National Post and The Gazette . The two corpora were submitted to ALCESTE software.;Specific vocabulary from the lexical worlds were found to convey cultural representations. Our study has permitted to uncover differences and similarities in the analysis of the Michaud affair reported in the National Post , an English newspaper in Toronto, Ontario, and in The Gazette , an English newspaper edited in Montreal, Quebec.;Using the factorial correspondence analysis of ALCESTE, we identified four different lexical worlds in the corpora of over fifty thousand words. Those lexical worlds correspond to the different positions of the utterers vis-a-vis the issue under study.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cultural representations, Media, Lexical worlds
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