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A survey of current piano use in the elementary general music classroom

Posted on:2007-04-28Degree:M.M.EType:Thesis
University:The University of KansasCandidate:Slattery, Valerie AFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this study was to identify teacher opinion about piano use in the elementary general music classroom, and the amount of use and purposes for pianos in elementary general music classrooms according to teacher self-reporting. The data indicated that teachers thought piano (a) was an important part of elementary music, (b) should be used for accompaniment more that any other purpose, and (c) was most commonly used on a weekly basis. Several moderate correlations were found indicating: piano use increased the more years of teaching experience a teacher had, the more years of piano lessons a teacher had taken, the more a teacher used other instruments, and the younger a teacher was when beginning piano lessons; and piano use decreased the more a teacher used a cappella singing in the classroom. This study provides direction for future research in investigating relationships between piano use and specific teaching factors.
Keywords/Search Tags:Piano, Elementary general music, Teacher
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