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Are leavers and returners different? Determinants of coresidence after adult children leave home

Posted on:2009-05-20Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Maryland, College ParkCandidate:Chan, ChaowenFull Text:PDF
The paper examines the determinants of coresidence between parents and adult children. Using 34 waves of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics from 1968 to 2005 and event history models, I find that there is an unambiguous distinction between nest leavers and nest returners. Marital status and employment status of adult children are the most important time-dependent determinants of nest-returning, and older cohorts have a higher propensity to return home. Parents in good health support their children returning home when significant life events endanger the adult children's ability to live alone. Therefore I argue that coresidence is a rational support but not a competition between children's need and parent's need. Further cohort comparisons also show adult children's life events matter for older cohorts, but parents' marital disruption matters for younger cohorts.
Keywords/Search Tags:Adult children, Determinants, Coresidence, Parents, Older cohorts, Life events
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