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A look through the viewing glass: Social status and grave analysis in a 19th century Kansas cemetery

Posted on:2008-11-10Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of ArkansasCandidate:Pye, Jeremy WFull Text:PDF
In the summer of 2004, due to impending construction, it became necessary to mitigate a small, late 19th century cemetery on the grounds of Meadowlark Hills Retirement Community, in Manhattan, Kansas. Local lore suggested that this location had been the site of a poor farm, or perhaps an orphanage. The project began with the assumption that the materials recovered should represent individuals of low socio-economic status. However, the 19 th century reflections of social status in the mortuary facility are much more complex, as many mortuary behaviors that mark social status may never be seen archaeologically. Therefore, it becomes necessary to re-evaluate one's perspective on the past through a multi-disciplinary approach utilizing historical, archaeological, and biological data to provide context to the mortuary sample. Specific to this study, the local lore must be interrogated and the question must be this the only explanation for the formation of the cemetery?...
Keywords/Search Tags:Social status, Century
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