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Surrendering to Daisy Fay Buchanan: A pathway to the embodiment of character

Posted on:2008-09-13Degree:M.F.AType:Thesis
University:York University (Canada)Candidate:Blekys, IngridFull Text:PDF
This thesis examines the incorporation of Authentic Movement as a pre-rehearsal technique. The technique is used as a pathway to the embodiment of character, specifically the role of Daisy Fay Buchanan in The Great Gatsby. The goal of this particular approach is to create a body memory, relying on impulse more than on the mind when making creative choices during the rehearsal period.;The discoveries gleaned from this approach have altered my rehearsal process. Rather than rigid preplanned testing of actions, the approach to rehearsal is far more organic. There is a greater sense of spontaneity, risk and of course, failure. Because I am working from a body memory, acting choices come from impulse. Breath is freer and the ability to drop-in easier. As the process is still occurring, the product it will yield is still unknown.;Images and their influence on the mind and body were researched. Images from the play, as well as key events and text were explored in the studio in the context of Authentic Movement. Had time permitted, further exploration with a witness in the practice of Authentic Movement would have taken place before the start of rehearsals.
Keywords/Search Tags:Authentic movement, Rehearsal
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