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The representation of Christianity in popular American films from 2000--2005

Posted on:2007-12-11Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:San Jose State UniversityCandidate:Sumera, Lara TFull Text:PDF
This thesis examines the representation of Christianity in popular American films of the new millennium. Processes of selection comprise of films chosen based on box office success, and the presence of Christian figures. Character analyses included questions such as how characters were identified as Christians and how characters used or viewed Christianity within the narrative. General findings consisted of a broad spectrum of characters, both negative and positive. The paramount issue of this thesis is how Christianity is socially constructed through film, and what those constructions implicate for the Christian identity. General themes of how Christianity was used or viewed at by the characters within narrative are: Religion as Restrictive, Religion as Ineffective, Religion as a Political Instrument, Religion as a Tool to Fight Evil, Religion as a Tool of Irony, Religion as a Mask, Humanity of the Divine, "Higher Purpose" Narrative, Religion as a Moral Guide, and Cyclical Christianity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Christianity, Films, Religion
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