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The Unspoiled Queen

Posted on:2007-01-11Degree:M.A.L.SType:Thesis
University:State University of New York Empire State CollegeCandidate:Miller, Dena LFull Text:PDF
The colonial experience is visited through the partial development of a novel, The Unspoiled Queen. Research into creativity, fiction writing, and characterization has been distilled and blended with the comparative study of contemporary Caribbean literature and Vodouism. Development of the novel's allegorical components is discussed in terms of the symbolism of the colonial and post-colonial eras, of ecofeminism, and of female spirituality. Ultimately, the portrayal of colonialization finds a modern prescription---a new pedagogy---in the return to the ancient belief system embracing Mother Earth. The description of the creative writing process reflects the transformative experience of both the writer and subject matter as it traces the birth of this viewpoint from the intuitive to the intellectual.
Keywords/Search Tags:Unspoiled
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