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Self-awareness development with Authentic Movement using heuristic inquiry

Posted on:2008-07-03Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Saybrook UniversityCandidate:Torres, Margie PulmanoFull Text:PDF
The guiding question for this thesis research was: What is the experience(s) of self-awareness development for a participant-researcher using an Authentic Movement (AM) program centered as a dance/movement therapy process? This self-study explored self-awareness development defined as significant unconscious themes integrating with consciousness. The study demonstrated this complex process using first-person experiences and a segment of time possibly to capture them fully. Currently, there is minimal qualitative research illuminating self-awareness development supported by different ways of knowing, progressing through the course of one's lived experiences. Studies focused on first-person experiences can affirm the complexity and gain insight to the ways our creative processes find expression in our lives.;The study focused on one person (the author) as participant and researcher (participant-researcher), from 2001-2004, using an AM program to engage with unconscious material; the study then followed her process of bringing significant unconscious themes into consciousness to explore self-awareness development. The Heuristic Method (Moustakas, 2000) provided the framework for organizing experiences, insights, thoughts, and memories and to explore the process verbally and artistically. The assessment periods included an AM program consisting of two parts: a 6-month training course plus bimonthly group lasting 8 sessions, followed by 3 consecutive years of lived experiences. The data included initial artwork, journal reflections, seminar notes and dialogues, learning assignments, post-data collection reflections, and insights.;Results revealed 5 thematic content areas: self-awareness development for the participant-researcher was identified as a 3-tiered, nonlinear process traversing through simple to complex themes using multiple states of knowing. Themes included: (1) personal issues/emotional self, (2) family and dynamics, (3) community building and societal/group issues, (4) spiritual/social action issues, (5) concepts and theories. The process involved: (1) discovering the core nuggets with AM, (2) approaching full embodiment using different ways of knowing, and (3) reaching self-awareness and integration of unconscious themes with consciousness. This study uncovers the power of our bodies as gateways into the unconscious, and more importantly, reveals how integration of unconscious material into consciousness can be vital for understanding the fullness of our lived experiences.
Keywords/Search Tags:Self-awareness development, Using, Lived experiences, Unconscious, Consciousness
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