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A way out of madness: An experiment in theatre

Posted on:2007-04-19Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:State University of New York Empire State CollegeCandidate:Starkweather, LindaFull Text:PDF
This one-woman theatre piece was intended to stimulate critical thinking, and to generate an actor/audience exploration of post-modern anxiety: what we worry about and why. The ninety-minute performance included a multidisciplinary approach both in content and in mode, utilizing a variety of mediums, including storytelling, monologue, music, dance, and video. The goal was to create a meaningful piece of theatre that would include both liberal ideas and interdisciplinary performance techniques in order to explore a personal account of the intellectual, emotional, and spiritual journey that the graduate process had inspired; to translate provocative, liberal ideas into effective theatrical forms in order to create an engaging and insightful piece of theatre, and to pose essential questions about what it means to be human from the viewpoint of current scientific, sociological and psychological theories.
Keywords/Search Tags:Theatre
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