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A celebration of cultural heritages

Posted on:2008-07-07Degree:M.ArchType:Thesis
University:University of Maryland, College ParkCandidate:Sawh, Rawle DFull Text:PDF
The City of Brampton, Ontario is one of Canada's fastest growing and most diverse communities. Today, 40% of Brampton's population is comprised of emigrates from foreign countries. These diverse communities must co-exist if a truly multi-cultural society is to be achieved.; This thesis is "committed to the preservation, development and celebration of the cultural heritages of the diverse ethnic communities of Brampton." 1 'Carabram,' an annual Multi-Cultural Festival, has long been a Brampton tradition. However, currently Carabram has neither a permanent infrastructure nor a central location for its celebration.; This thesis promotes that there be a unifying place for this celebration of diversity. Visitors will gain a better understanding of cultural differences and learn to appreciate these differences. It is a place where various cultures can co-exist and a place where cultural individualism is encouraged. Its main objective is to create an exhibition arena that celebrates Brampton's diversity.; 1Carabram, Brampton's Multicultural Festival. ⟨⟩...
Keywords/Search Tags:Cultural, Celebration, Brampton
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