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Etude de la poesie de Jacques Prevert

Posted on:2009-04-15Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Southern Illinois University at CarbondaleCandidate:Belanger, Mary EFull Text:PDF
The numerous books and articles written on Jacques Prevert concentrate on his career achievements in the areas of theater, music, cinema and art as well as his influence in the Surrealist Movement. In the introduction of this thesis, I show that Prevert made an equally important contribution in the field of poetry, which is frequently overlooked because of its simplistic nature. Although Prevert wrote many collected works of poetry, I have chosen to limit this study to his first collection of poems, Paroles . I have tried to show how Prevert attacks the values of the middle class, the Church and the military.;This study is divided into three parts; the first, devoted to the theme of religion. This part of the thesis points out how the poet frequently uses the tool of insolence to make a point in both earthly and heavenly domains. I also show how he tends to mix themes together such as religion and war through his selection of vocabulary.;The second part of the thesis concentrates on the aspect of daily life, divided into two areas of emphasis: routine and isolation. This part of the thesis reveals aspects of his most frequently used subject, the condition of human life. His usage of common and marginal characters help the reader comprehend his ordinary messages about daily routine and feelings of isolation in human life.;The third part of the thesis deals with memories and destruction. There are two facets of life analyzed: nostalgia and the consequences of war. Many of the selected poems take a menacing turn as they contrast the duality of life and death.;The conclusion underlines the fact that many of the difficulties which existed during the time Prevert wrote this collection of poetry still exist today. Religion, daily life and war remain issues which apply to human life regardless of the decade.
Keywords/Search Tags:Prevert, Life
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