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Evaluating the effectiveness of newspaper codes of ethics: A Star-Telegram case study

Posted on:2009-04-29Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Texas Christian UniversityCandidate:Housley, Emily ElizabethFull Text:PDF
In an industry where public perception is at an all-time low, it is vital to evaluate the effectiveness of newspaper codes of ethics. Studies have evaluated the role of codes of ethics in the ethical decision-making process, but none have looked at the overall effectiveness of having a code. This study is a quantitative evaluation of one newspaper's code of ethics, in relation to individuals' ethical differences, code applicability and code agreement. Conducted at all bureaus of the Star-Telegram in Fort Worth, Texas, this study showed that employees think their code of ethics is effective mostly because it helps set guidelines and clear expectations of the employees. Although individual ethical differences (measured by locus of control) did not significantly predict effectiveness, age and tenure did have an effect, with the older and more tenured employees rating the code higher in effectiveness. Employees also commented on areas of the code with which they disagreed and revealed a discrepancy between their perception of code applicability to themselves as individuals and to those in other departments.
Keywords/Search Tags:Code, Effectiveness, Ethics
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