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The path of truth: An archetypal analysis of Meursault's hero quest as enlightened Bodhisattva

Posted on:2009-05-12Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:California State University, Dominguez HillsCandidate:Long, PatrickFull Text:PDF
The Stranger by Albert Camus has little written on it in the way of archetypal criticism. Much of the critical analysis of this work argues that the main character, Meursault, does not develop within this story, that life happens to him and culminates in a meaningless, nihilistic, existence with the end of the novel. The Buddha also searched for truth within a life he found meaningless and ultimately found it. Comparing the Buddha's archetypal quest to find enlightenment to that of Camus's character reveals Meursault's search for meaning as a Bodhisattva, a pre-destined Buddha.;By using primary source material from Joseph Campbell, Carl Jung, Albert Camus, and a host of articles written on the work, this thesis compares both characters' quests to gain Buddhist enlightenment. Following Campbell's monomythic hero cycle and Jung's process of individuation, the thesis shows how both characters strive for and achieve similar forms of enlightenment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Archetypal
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