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Nontraditional name changes for men: Attitudes of men and women

Posted on:2009-09-21Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of North TexasCandidate:Millspaugh, Jennifer DianeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2445390002991322Subject:Speech communication
Recently, some men have taken their wives' last names upon marriage rather than following tradition. The goal of this study was to examine the attitudes that men and women have toward these nontraditional men. Ideological hegemony and social identity theory comprised the framework for examining participants' beliefs. A survey first elicited participants' extant sexist beliefs about men and the characteristics of a nontraditional man compared to a traditional man. An open-ended question further explored participants' opinions. The results indicated that benevolent sexism influences respondents' attitudes towards nontraditional men and that most respondents view nontraditional men as more nurturing and committed to their marriage than traditional men. The results further revealed a dichotomy of positive and negative attitudes towards nontraditional men indicating that society's feelings about nontraditional men are changing.
Keywords/Search Tags:Nontraditional, Attitudes, Men and women
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