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The wisdom of Socrates

Posted on:2009-05-05Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:California State University, Dominguez HillsCandidate:Skallman, NathanFull Text:PDF
The 5th-century BCE Athenian philosopher, Socrates, is both a cornerstone of western philosophical thought and something of a shadow-character, thought by many to be little more than an elaborate Platonic fiction. One cannot have it both ways: either he was a great teacher or he was merely the inspiration for a great literature, the dialogues of Plato. Upon closer examination, there is evidence that Socrates was both spiritual teacher and man of wisdom. The study makes use of ancient primary sources and ancient and contemporary secondary sources concerning the life and teachings of Socrates. Results are based upon central arguments found in Chapters 3-5: Socrates' own emphases of his work, traits he is shown to have had in common with the wise, unusual abilities, and excerpts from his teachings having much in common with those of some of the world's great teachers.
Keywords/Search Tags:Socrates
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