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Women in film during WWII

Posted on:2011-11-04Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:California State University, Dominguez HillsCandidate:Figueroa, SusieFull Text:PDF
This study analyzes female characters in war-themed movies produced during WWII and after WWII through 1959. The films selected address the roles women held in the military, in factories, as volunteers and at home. The analysis of the films produced during the war era revealed that the majority contained Office of War Information recommended propaganda. Most characters were presented in an idealized version of how women should behave during this period. The few women who were not portrayed in a positive light somehow corrected their behavior or were used to portray how a true American should not behave. Filmmakers had the opportunity to portray colorful characters in movies produced after WWII. Although the OWI was no longer imposing its voice, some filmmakers created characters that depicted the idealism that was imposed on women by popular culture. The end of the war did not necessarily signal a more liberated world for women, but was quite the opposite.
Keywords/Search Tags:Women, WWII, War, Characters
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