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Within perspective: Re-tracing Renaissance art history through deconstructive methods and retrospective vision

Posted on:2011-09-26Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:State University of New York at BuffaloCandidate:Lang, Denise A.MFull Text:PDF
This Master's thesis intends to examine several historiographical dialogues concerning the use of linear perspective during the Renaissance period. Furthermore, by introducing specific deconstructivist theories of Jacques Derrida, and interweaving these into the historical icons Leon Battista Alberti and Nicholas Cusanus, the following analysis of linear perspective seeks to broaden the scope at which this visual system may be interpreted. Any specific findings are intrinsically bound to a more non-objective approach to history, and thus do not focus in on any particular conclusion or decided set of facts. The overall goal is to offer multiple arguments that focus on spatial ambiguity and metaphysical unity within calculated precision, and ultimately blur the dividing line between Renaissance Humanism and Spiritualism.
Keywords/Search Tags:Renaissance, Perspective
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