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'As History Exploded Around Us...' a chamber opera Act One: 'Before the Storm'

Posted on:2011-02-26Degree:D.M.AType:Thesis
University:Boston UniversityCandidate:Montgomery Koppel, MaryFull Text:PDF
Set in Hong Kong in 1941--1942, As History Exploded Around Us... tells the story of a young girl and her family living through the onset of war and occupation. The story traces the family's experience as they witnessed the making of history: leaving mainland China, where they had lived for years, to resume their work in exile in Hong Kong the Battle of Hong Kong, which literally exploded around them and their subsequent internment at the Stanley Camp. The libretto draws upon the diary of 14-year-old Elizabeth Brownell and upon later writings of her mother, Jane.
Keywords/Search Tags:History, Exploded, Hong kong
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