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Assisting the intermediate-level language listener through the use of elaborated texts

Posted on:2011-11-10Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Iowa State UniversityCandidate:Vessoni de Lence, MartaFull Text:PDF
The present study, conducted at a large Midwestern University in Fall 2009 semester, investigated the effects of different input modification devices on intermediate-level language learners' aural comprehension of authentic texts. In particular, this study examined whether intermediate level Spanish language learners' comprehension of authentic texts improves when listening to texts that have undergone principled modifications. Such modifications include the addition of instances of redundancy, transparency, and signaling. Unmodified authentic texts were used as a baseline to compare students' achievement with the elaborated versions of the same text. The authentic baseline texts were developed by providing scenarios (Di Pietro, 1987) or real life situations and recording the spontaneous conversations of native speakers of the target language. Results indicated that none of the elaborative devices used in this study seems to have a positive impact on language learners' listening comprehension of neither the main idea or specific information of the text. Furthermore, signaling appears to have a negative impact on comprehension of specific redundant information. Redundancy seems to be the most effective elaborative device in aiding language learners' listening comprehension due to its significant positive effect on inference of information from a text.
Keywords/Search Tags:Language, Text, Comprehension
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