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An ethnographic examination of gossip in a small organization: Coalitions and conflict escalation

Posted on:2010-07-16Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Northern Illinois UniversityCandidate:Kartch, FalonFull Text:PDF
GTID:2445390002484090Subject:Speech communication
Based on ethnographic research conducted as a participant-observer in a small organization, this paper outlines the effects gossip can have in the workplace. Interpersonal relationships within organizations are the primary concern. Conflict existed in the workplace and as organizational members gossiped, coalitions were formed. Through the formation of coalitions, organizational conflict was escalated. Conflict escalated as more organizational members were becoming involved in the conflict and nothing was done to de-escalate the situation. Even the boss became active in coalition formation. Data for which this paper is based was collected through ethnographic fieldnote taking and interviews. Results are discussed in relationship to relevant literature and theory.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ethnographic, Conflict, Coalitions
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