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A Spiritual Revisioning: Alice Walker from an Ecofeminist Perspective

Posted on:2011-09-20Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:State University of New York at Stony BrookCandidate:Esposito, LaurenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2445390002468040Subject:African American Studies
This thesis explores the work of Alice Walker from an ecofeminist perspective in order to demonstrate the connections between black women and the environment. Walker offers a spiritual revisioning that embraces nature while challenging the doctrines of patriarchy and Christianity, and the social justifications that support male and Christian hegemony. Through poetry, literature, and essays, she critiques the cultural and social practices of systems used to enforce dominance over black women and nature. She attempts to dismantle hierarchical relationships that subjugate the position of women and the environment and that deprive both of spirituality and reverence.
Keywords/Search Tags:Walker
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