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The Russia-Georgia conflict: The war in 2008 and its historical causes

Posted on:2011-12-04Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Webster UniversityCandidate:Schoen, MarkusFull Text:PDF
In August 2008, an armed conflict between the Russian Federation and Georgia started The core issue of the war was the undefined situation of two autonomous regions on Georgian territory. The political situation of South Ossetia and Abkhazia was a long-term issue for the Georgian government. The official goal of the war was to bring an end to the ongoing struggles. The Russian Federation on the other hand supported the two regions in their claims for sovereignty. If you take a closer look at the war in 2008 it becomes apparent that the struggle did not only have its roots in the conflict with the two regions but also in a long lasting conflict situation between the Russian Federation and Georgia. By looking at the historical development of Georgia in the last century till today, many answers for the tense relationship between these two countries can be found. There are three main periods of Georgian history that have to be focused on. First of all there is the role of Georgia in the Soviet Union. Secondly it is important to concentrate on the time between the end of the Soviet Union and the so-called Rose Revolution in 2003. The last period consists of the happenings after the revolution, like the war in 2008, until today. With my research, the author will try to analyze the causes for the ongoing conflict between the Russian Federation and Georgia by focusing on their common historical past.
Keywords/Search Tags:Conflict, Georgia, Russian federation, War, Historical
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