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Erinnerungen an die Kindheit als Webmuster von Erfahrungen, die durch universale sprachsymbole ausgedruckt werden: Ein vergleich zwischen Anna Seghers 'Der Ausflug der toten Madchen' und Rigoberta Menchus 'Enkelin der Maya'

Posted on:2011-11-06Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Purdue UniversityCandidate:Pottmeyer-Gerber, ChristianeFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this study is to examine similarities and differences in the autobiographical texts "Der Ausflug der toten Madchen" by Anna Seghers and "Enkelin der Maya" by Rigoberta Menchu. The analysis shows that the writing of a text follows the same principles as that of weaving. The first part explores how memory is formed and how it encodes complex symbols in texts and textiles. It then analyzes the influence of the immediate environment on the development of Seghers and Menchu as writers. Finally, it studies the symbols the two authors use to reflect on their childhood memories. This investigation explains that the cultural differences notwithstanding, the same symbols are used to express the experience of love, death, and persecution. In this paper the theme of weaving is connected to the concept of writing by reflecting on the idea of universal symbols that are repeatedly used in these creative processes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Der, Seghers, Symbols
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