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Pilsen art Pilsen artist Pilsen The autobiography of a Pilsen teacher

Posted on:2011-10-25Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:University of Illinois at ChicagoCandidate:Gomez, Diane CFull Text:PDF
GTID:2445390002457919Subject:American Studies
Pilsen Art Pilsen Artist Pilsen is a qualitative study utilizing archival research, autobiographical writing, oral history, and participant profiles to examine historical phenomena. The study explains the immigration patterns of Mexican Americans in Chicago while also discussing the art and cultural institutions that this group developed. This section also investigates the history of art in terms of its use in schools and societal attitudes towards art.;The second part of the thesis is autobiography providing personal narrative to further describe the immigration and cultural life of the Mexican American subject. This section balances the autobiographical experience with profiles of four artists from the Pilsen neighborhood in Chicago, Illinois. These artists' experiences reveal details regarding teaching art during what could be called the Pilsen Art Renaissance between 1975 and 1995. Finally, the last segment of this study offers suggestions for teaching from an alternate artistic perspective.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pilsen art pilsen artist pilsen, History, American studies
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