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Technology and the portrayal of death in photography over time: Brady, Weegee, and Warhol

Posted on:2011-03-11Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:The University of North Carolina at Chapel HillCandidate:Middleton, Samuel D., JrFull Text:PDF
Working within the confines of photography and the technology of the day, three men shared a common theme in their work---the depiction of death. Mathew Brady mounted a comprehensive effort to cover the American Civil War, Arthur Fellig (Weegee) depicted New York City life after dark and Andy Warhol expressed the commonality of death extracted from specific events, but with transcendental qualities. This thesis explores the common links connecting Brady, Weegee and Warhol---technology and the portrayal of death in photography over time.
Keywords/Search Tags:Photography, Death, Brady, Weegee
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