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Medication and driving cessation of the elderly driver

Posted on:2008-11-02Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:The University of Alabama in HuntsvilleCandidate:Hubble, Bridgette MFull Text:PDF
Older driver cessation frequencies and the use of NSAIDs and BNZs were examined within a combined database (N=1180). In a larger group of the participants (N=1036), medication was more likely to be used, although participants were more likely to utilize medications other than the target medications (N=458). Of the participants who ceased driving (N=98), 82 reported the use of medication, and of those, 24 took the target medications examined. Results, while non-significant, indicated several trends in which a cohort effect may be evident in older drivers today compared to those ten years ago. Driving is more likely to be continued than in previous years and the use of medications among older drivers is prevalent (84%). Results further indicate studies examining different medications and their iatrogenic effects and their positive and negative protective qualities to Groeger's implementation facet are warranted.
Keywords/Search Tags:Medication, Driving
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