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The right to property vs. morality: Free market Libertarians, cultural conservatives and drug legalizatio

Posted on:2008-10-20Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:State University of New York Empire State CollegeCandidate:Coleman, LeafFull Text:PDF
GTID:2444390005959758Subject:Political science
This work compares and contrasts two prominent ideologies, which traditionally make up the conservative political spectrum. The drug legalization and decriminalization debate is examined from the Libertarian and conservative positions. In addition, current prohibitive drug policy is discussed while advocating a medical based model, which focuses on harm reduction policy that places the drug user above ideology. As with any political debate, morals, ethics and philosophical ideals come into play. Through examining American ideologies regarding the drug decriminalization and legalization debate five groupings of beliefs were made. These are as follows: cultural Conservatives, free trade Libertarians, radical constructionists, progressive legalizers, and progressive prohibitionists. Within each of these groupings are unique beliefs regarding drug decriminalization and legalization.
Keywords/Search Tags:Drug, Legalization
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