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Adult onset genetic disorders and preimplantation genetic diagnosis: Creating educational brochures for those considering family planning

Posted on:2008-06-09Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Sarah Lawrence CollegeCandidate:Wilson, Ashley LymanFull Text:PDF
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is utilized for many genetic indications and is being increasingly considered for adult onset disorders such as cancer susceptibilities, cardiomyopathies, and neurodegenerative conditions. Many at risk individuals have observed the disease in one or more family members which may strongly influence their reproductive decisions. Many reproductive options are available to individuals and couples at risk to reduce the probability that the condition will be transmitted to their children. Making decisions about reproductive options is complex and involves consideration of medical information, reproductive success rates, financial considerations, and important psychosocial factors. This decision making process is ideally supported through genetic counseling and educational resources. Currently, no resource is available that fully addresses the various reproductive options available to couples. Brochures were designed to meet the needs of individuals with an adult onset disorder and to assist them in making informed decisions about their reproductive options including PGD.
Keywords/Search Tags:Adult onset, Genetic, Reproductive options
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