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Status of red-legged frogs (Rana aurora aurora) in Surrey, British Columbia

Posted on:2008-09-02Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:Royal Roads University (Canada)Candidate:Englund, LannyFull Text:PDF
There is growing evidence of amphibian population declines around the world. Red-legged frogs (Rana aurora aurora) are one species of amphibian in decline within the Lower Fraser Basin (LFB) in British Columbia, Canada. This study gathered baseline distribution information for red-legged frogs in twelve parks in Surrey, BC. The findings suggest that red-legged frog populations are most likely found within their range in the Lower Fraser Basin on sites where wetlands have high percent cover of aquatic vegetation and forest cover within a 200 m radius of the wetland. Specific park management recommendations were developed for the twelve study sites with the goal of sustaining red-legged frog populations within Surrey's protected area network in perpetuity. This study is the first step towards gaining the knowledge necessary to ensure the sustainability of this species in Surrey and perhaps their entire range within the LFB.
Keywords/Search Tags:Red-legged frogs, Aurora, Surrey
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