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The surgical implementation of osteoceramic cement in total hip arthroplasty: An in vivo study in canines

Posted on:2008-01-30Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Iowa State UniversityCandidate:Wiese, NoahFull Text:PDF
Osteoceramic cement (OC-cement) is a novel, ceramic-ceramic composite bone cement that has many properties that are superior to traditional polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) cement. Prior to this research, the mechanical, chemical, biological, and setting properties of the cement had been studied, but in vivo testing was the necessary next step in developing it for use in joint replacement. In order to be able to perform surgery using OC-cement, an extensive amount of testing was done on properties that pertain to the handling and behavior of the cement in a surgical setting. This testing included investigations into cement rheology, working time variation, particle size distribution, cement sterilization, and several other areas. In addition to the studies of OC-cement properties, new surgical tools and techniques were developed for precise handling of the cement during the hip replacement procedures. In vivo testing of the cement was done by performing unilateral hip arthroplasties on five dogs. Dr. James Toombs and Dr. Stanley Wagner performed the surgeries at the Small Animal Clinic of the ISU College of Veterinary Medicine. One surgery was performed on a cadaver canine, three surgeries were non-survival, and the final surgery was a successful survival total hip replacement. Examination of post-surgical radiographs was done to judge the completeness of the cement space-filling, the mechanical integrity of the cement, and the quality of the bone-cement interfaces. The dog was monitored after the surgery to gage its systematic response to the cement and surgery, as well as to gain more information about the mechanical integrity of the cement. By performing these surgeries and monitoring the dogs afterwards, we have been able to further show the effectiveness of OC-cement in joint arthroplasty.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cement, Hip, Surgical, Vivo
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