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Comparison of the vial/syringe and insulin pen methods of insulin delivery in a hospital setting

Posted on:2007-04-24Degree:M.S.NType:Thesis
University:Gonzaga UniversityCandidate:Prinzing, CatherineFull Text:PDF
GTID:2444390005471782Subject:Health Sciences
This descriptive comparative study compared nurses' satisfaction and perceptions of quality, safety for nurses and patients, and cost effectiveness of the insulin pen and vial/syringe methods of insulin administration in a hospital setting. Data were collected through questionnaires completed by a convenience sample of 23 nurses and existing hospital records---66 patient medical records, hospital performance improvement data, and cost data for two time intervals: one when only the vial/syringe method was used and one when both methods were used. Findings revealed that nurses preferred the pen method and rated it higher for accuracy, reliability, effectiveness, and efficiency. The number of insulin administration errors and needle stick injuries were fewer. Glycemic control was better with more patients maintained in desired range of euglycemia and fewer experiencing hyperglycemia. The insulin pen method was more cost effective in nurses' time and cost of supplies. The insulin pen method has merit for hospital settings.
Keywords/Search Tags:Insulin pen, Pen method, Hospital, Cost, Nurses, Vial/syringe
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