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Criminal histories of methamphetamine users: A rural analysis

Posted on:2009-03-07Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Arkansas at Little RockCandidate:Zohra, IsratFull Text:PDF
This thesis examined criminal histories of methamphetamine users in rural counties of Arkansas. More specifically, the study explored the difference between methamphetamine users with and without criminal histories. Although there are plenty of research on demographic characteristics, sociological attributes, and drug dependencies of methamphetamine users, there seems to be a gap in the literature focusing on why certain methamphetamine users have been arrested versus users who have not been arrested. A preliminary analysis of the data indicated 60 percent of the participants in the study had criminal histories, while 40 percent have never been arrested; therefore, this study explored potential reasons why 40 percent of the methamphetamine population in this study did not have criminal histories.
Keywords/Search Tags:Criminal histories, Methamphetamine, Study explored
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