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Analyzing enhanced role enactment for respiratory therapists

Posted on:2009-02-09Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Royal Roads University (Canada)Candidate:Virtue, Shawn RobertFull Text:PDF
GTID:2444390002996449Subject:Health care management
This study examined benefits and challenges associated with increasing the scope of practice for respiratory therapists within the Peace Country Health (PCH) acute care setting. With expected shortages of health care professionals across the globe, PCH will continue to face recruitment and retention pressures. Imbalances between role enactment and service needs compound these issues. The qualitative action research model was used to determine the perceptions respiratory therapists and other health care professionals had regarding the realized benefits of increasing the scope of practice for respiratory therapists within PCH acute care settings. Findings indicate that respiratory therapists experienced improved job satisfaction, that role enhancement positively impacted service delivery pressures, and that effective change management is critical to the success of such an undertaking. Recommendations include expanding role enactment for other professionals by means of fostering awareness and collaborative communication through effectual change management processes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Respiratory therapists, Role enactment
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