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Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and antidepressants and prescription medications: A pilot study

Posted on:2010-11-16Degree:M.P.HType:Thesis
University:The University of Texas School of Public HealthCandidate:Jaime, Nicole AdeleFull Text:PDF
GTID:2444390002983528Subject:Health Sciences
Background. Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) diagnosis in children and adolescents has been on the rise over the last couple of decades and a multitude of studies have been conducted in an aim to better understand the disease. Literature has explored the role of several factors suspected of contributing to development of the disease, including: prenatal smoking exposures, environmental exposures, and low-birth weight. However, there is very limited reporting of fetal/infant exposure to antidepressants and prescription medications and the long-term behavioral outcomes, namely development of AD/HD. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between mother's exposure to prescription medications and/or antidepressants around the time of conception, during pregnancy, or while breastfeeding and the development of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in offspring. Methods. Secondary analysis of data from a case-control study was performed. Exposure histories were collected for the mother and offspring. Data were collected using a secure, confidential, self-report, online survey to evaluate the relationship between antidepressant and/or prescription medication exposure and the development of AD/HD. The period of exposure to these drugs was defined as: around the time of conception, during pregnancy, or while breastfeeding. Cases were defined as a child who had been diagnosed with AD/HD. Controls were defined as a child who had not been diagnosed with AD/HD. Results. Prescription medication and antidepressant medication exposures around the time of conception, during pregnancy, or while breastfeeding were not associated with development of AD/HD. However, traumatic brain injury (OR=2.77 (1.61--4.77)) and preterm birth (OR=1.48 (1.04--2.12)) were identified as potential risk factors. These results support existing literature on AD/HD, but future work must be undertaken to better evaluate fetal/infant medication exposures and long-term behavioral outcomes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ad/hd, Medication, Disorder, Exposure, Antidepressants
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