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Art, Healing & Growth: Utilizing Guided Visualization, Art Making and Self-Interview to Facilitate the Ethical Imperative of Becoming an Authentic Embodied Art Therapist

Posted on:2011-05-26Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Prescott CollegeCandidate:Thayer, Joyous DFull Text:PDF
GTID:2444390002961944Subject:Counseling psychology
This study examines, via heuristic and arts-based research methods, the value of guided visualization, art making and self-interview as a healing process for the emergent therapist. Emphasis is placed on the importance of "practicing what you preach" and the therapist's ethical responsibilities of self-care, self-awareness, and self-exploration. Guided visualization, art making and self-interview exercises, as outlined in Barbara Ganim's book Art & Healing, were employed to bring about personal insight and cope with emotional consequences of chronic pain and the researcher's life experiences, which include many losses. Personal insights developed and helped the researcher to understand and become aware of herself and more connected to her body-mind. The therapeutic processes were employed to facilitate the goal of therapist's alignment with professional philosophies and to facilitate professional growth alongside the personal. The self-directed therapeutic work within this study helped to solidify such professional philosophical perspectives for this emergent art therapist. This research can be used as a model for other individuals, art therapists, and counselors who wish to begin their own self-directed therapeutic processes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Art, Guided visualization, Healing, Facilitate
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