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Les cartes fonctionnelles dans le cortex visuel du chat: nouvelles strategies d'evaluation en imagerie optique et mise en evidence de l'organisation anatomo-fonctionnelle

Posted on:2011-01-24Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Universite de Montreal (Canada)Candidate:Vanni, Matthieu PFull Text:PDF
The clustering of neurons of similar properties is at the basis of the brain modular architecture and is considered as a strategy to optimized processing. One consequence of this clustering is the presence of functional maps in the primary visual cortex of several mammals based on features such as orientation, direction of motion and stimulus position (retinotopy).;The first section of this thesis was aimed at characterizing the modular organization of functions in primary and higher-order areas. First, we investigated the possibility that a fundamental cell property, the receptive field center / surround suppression, could be orderly represented in the primary visual cortex. Second, we determined the level of modular organization in area 21a for two key properties, orientation and direction of motion. All studies were based on the optical imaging of intrinsic signals in anesthetized cats.;Results indicate the presence of high and low surround suppression modules in the primary visual cortex (areas 17 and 18). To date, such organization has been discovered only in a higher-order area in primate. A modular organization for orientation, similar to the one observed in areas 17 and 18 was observed in area 21a. On the other hand, in contrast to area 18, no direction modules were discovered in area 21a. Overall, the first part of this thesis increased our knowledge about the anatomo-fonctional organization of cat visual cortex. They will also be instrumental to better understand the factors leading to the presence of a modular organization in the cortex.;The second section of this thesis was directed to the development of a novel quantitative tool for the temporal analysis of optical imaging intrinsic signals. This new approach, based on Fourier decomposition, allowed to greatly increase the signal to noise ratio of the recordings. Until now, this analysis was only been based on single harmonic quantification, limiting its application for orientation and retinotopy mapping only. A model exploiting higher harmonics was then developed to estimate additional parameters such as the receptive field size and direction selectivity. Thereafter, this model was validated with success by conventional approaches on the primary visual cortex.;Keywords : map, cortex, cat, optical imaging, orientation, motion, Fourier, image processing, vision, hemodynamic.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cortex, Optical imaging, Orientation, Modular
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