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Molecular Trojan horses: De novo protein design and scaffolds for tissue engineering

Posted on:2011-01-30Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Tufts UniversityCandidate:Yuksel, DenizFull Text:PDF
Molecular recognition between molecules is one of the most fundamental processes in biology and chemistry. Charge patterning and multivalency are two ways by which specificity is achieved between interacting entities on a molecular level. This thesis describes how charge patterning and multivalent interactions could be manipulated to govern molecular recognition events.;We have designed DNA mimicking peptides by surface charge patterning and demonstrated that they are able inhibit enzymes that perform surveillance functions in E. coli. The designed peptides were characterized using a battery of biophysical techniques and they exhibit signatures of well-folded structures. Two of the designed DNA mimics showed significant inhibition activity against the type I R/M enzyme, EcoR124I. The activities of these two peptides were comparable to Ocr99, a mutant version of a natural inhibitor of type I R/M enzymes. Our study highlights the importance of an overlooked design strategy-surface charge patterning- and demonstrated its successful utility in de novo design.;We envisioned that the liposome surface could be patterned using fluorinated glycophospholipids and localized microdomains could be created to investigate the effect of multivalency in carbohydrate-carbohydrate interactions in M. prolifera. Our results from UV aggregation assays showed that liposomes containing fluorinated glycophospholipids aggregate only in the presence of Ca2+ and under similar conditions kinetics of aggregation of its hydrocarbon counterpart containing liposomes is slower. Similar results were obtained when membrane-coated silica beads were used to explore aggregation. Our ultimate goal is to use these constructs in tissue engineering studies where manipulation of 3-D microtissues could be governed by metal ion complexation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Molecular, Charge patterning
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