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Compatibility of x-ray tubes with magnetic resonance imaging scanners for aortic valve replacement

Posted on:2010-08-30Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Bracken, JohnFull Text:PDF
GTID:2444390002486237Subject:Health Sciences
Aortic stenosis is the most common acquired heart valve condition. Open-heart surgical aortic valve replacement is an effective treatment for patients who receive it. However, approximately one-third of patients who require this treatment do not receive it due to the risks associated with the surgery. Percutaneous aortic valve replacement (PAVR) is a minimally invasive technique that can replace the aortic valve of patients contraindicated for open-heart surgery.;The performance of a rotating-anode x-ray tube in the magnetic fringe field of a 1.5 T MRI scanner was investigated. A rotating-anode x-ray tube provides the fluoroscopy and angiography needed for PAVR.;The magnetic fringe field can affect the ability of the x-ray tube to dissipate heat. It was shown that the fringe field perpendicular to the anode rotation axis can reduce anode rotation frequency. These effects can limit the maximum permissible power that can be safely dissipated on the anode track during a single exposure. In the fringe field strengths at the C-arm position (4-5 mT), anode rotation frequency only decreased by ≈1%, which will have negligible impact on tube heat loadability.;The fringe field can cause a field of view shift. The field of view shifted by ≈3 mm, which can be corrected by active magnetic shielding and further collimation. An active magnetic shielding system was constructed that can correct focal spot deflection. These results are facilitating the construction of a prototype CBXMR system, the goal of which is to improve success rates for PAVR procedures.;Although PAVR is now entering clinical practice, a closed bore hybrid x-ray/MRI (CBXMR) imaging system is under development to improve the safety and efficacy of PAVR. This system will harness the complementary strengths of x-ray imaging (surgical tool/vascular imaging) and MRI (cardiac soft tissue contrast) to deploy a bioprosthesis in the aortic annulus. An x-ray C-arm will be placed ≈1 m from the entrance of the MRI scanner to facilitate smooth intermodality patient transfer during the procedure.
Keywords/Search Tags:Aortic valve, X-ray tube, Magnetic, MRI, Imaging, Fringe field, PAVR
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