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Imagerie a haut contraste et caracterisation d'exoplanetes par la spectroscopie integrale de champ

Posted on:2010-10-10Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Universite de Montreal (Canada)Candidate:Lavigne, Jean-FrancoisFull Text:PDF
The main goal of this thesis is the improvement of high-contrast imaging techniques enabling the direct detection of faint companions at small separations from their host star. More precisely, it answers some questions linked to the development of the Gemini Planet Imager (GPI), a second generation instrument for the Gemini telescopes. This instrument will use an integral field spectrometer (IFS) to characterize the detected faint companions and to attenuate the speckle noise limiting their detection. Moreover, it will use a combination of two deformable mirrors, the woofer and the tweeter, in its adaptive optics (AO) system in order to reach the atmospheric turbulence correction sought. The woofer corrects the low spatial frequency high amplitude aberrations while the ones with a high frequency and a low amplitude are compensated by the tweeter.;Current on-line IFS were conceived to be versatile so that they could be used in many astrophysical fields. Hence, their conception was not optimized for high-contrast imaging. The second part of this thesis objective was to build and test in the laboratory an IFS optimized for this task. Four speckle suppression algorithms were tested on the resulting data: the simple difference, the double difference, the spectral deconvolution and a novel algorithm developed in this thesis dubbed the spectral twin algorithm. We found the spectral twin algorithm to be the most efficient to detect both types of companions tested: methanated and non-methanated. The detection signal-to-noise ratio was improved by a factor up to 14 for the methanated companion and up to 2 for a non-methanated one.;In the last part, problems linked to the wavefront correction split between two deformable mirrors are investigated. First, a method allowing to select the woofer key parameters such as its diameter, its number of actuators and its required stroke which influenced the overall instrument design is presented. Second, since GPI will use a Fourier reconstructor, we propose to split the command in the Fourier domain and to limit the modes sent to the woofer to the ones it can accurately reproduce. In GPI, this results in replacing two matrices of 1600 x 69 elements in the case of a classic command split scheme by a single matrix of 45 x 69 components with the proposed method.;Keywords. exoplanets, high-contrast imaging, image processing, astronomical instrumentation;First, the high-contrast imaging performance achieved by current on-line IFS on 8-10 m telescopes are investigated through the observation of the faint companion to the star GQ Lup using the IFS NIFS and the AO system ALTAIR presently in function on the telescope Gemini North. The angular differential imaging (ADI) technique is used to reach an attenuation of the speckle noise by a factor of 2 to 6. The JHK spectra obtained were used to constrain the mass of the companion to 8--60 MJup making it most likely a brown dwarf. MJup represents the mass of Jupiter.
Keywords/Search Tags:High-contrast imaging, Companion, IFS
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