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HIV/AIDS and the effect on Latino families: A curriculum development project

Posted on:2010-02-08Degree:M.S.WType:Thesis
University:California State University, Long BeachCandidate:Garcia, Maria DFull Text:PDF
GTID:2444390002481111Subject:Social work
The HIV/AIDS epidemic has affected many parents and their children. HIV/AIDS does not discriminate against gender, age, socio-economic, ethnicity or race. A historical overview of the HIV/AIDS epidemic is presented. Furthermore, cultural challenges apply to the following communities: Latino, African American, Native American, and Asian population are discussed. The HIV/AIDS epidemic has forced the government to develop laws and policies to protect those infected with HIV/AIDS. In addition, the HIV/AIDS epidemic which has created a challenge to the child welfare and legal system are addressed. Lastly, recommendations and intervention to the social work profession are outline.
Keywords/Search Tags:HIV/AIDS
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